Sunday, February 7, 2010

Keep on truckin'

When I was a teenager one of the popular phrases was 'Keep on truckin'. It seems to fit our last weekend. Last fall our friend KTV used our pickup and trailer to bring some of his cows back here to our dairy to take care of and milk. As he was hauling the animals, a manure truck was going too fast and passed him as he was executing a left hand turn. Thankfully he had the seat belt on. The truck was damaged structurally but K was ok, sore but ok as were the trailer and animals. He was in Gooding county, Idaho at the time of the accident and so the truck was left there. After insurance was done we were able to keep the truck for parts and tires etc. This required us going with a flatbed trailer to bring it home.
So, we did and when we got halfway home we stopped for gas and as we got back into the truck I heard a noise. Investigation confirmed a tire going flat. There was no jack or tools to change the tire even though there was indeed a spare. So every time we came to an air hose we stopped and filled the tire. We made it home without ruining the tire. It was one of the duals which helped I am sure.
The next day we went to help our daughter and her husband move. The day was clear and dry -perfect for moving. The day after was storming. Our newer truck had its old tires on as we had not had time yet to put the better ones on from the other truck. So Lon was going a slower to be safe. We were enjoying a World War Two historical novel on tape and I was knitting as fast as I could. When going up Fish Creek Pass outside of Lava Hot Springs we hit a slick spot right where on my side was a drop off and on Lon's side a guard rail and drop off. He brought it out of sliding off my side but we headed straight for the other side. I just closed my eyes and waited to go over the edge. We came to a very abrupt stop at the guard rail. It did its job well. Lon got it turned back around and onto the shoulder. He stopped to survey the damage and the bumper was bent into the right tire. He tried but couldn't bend it out enough to go on. I watched the traffic zip on by and was ever so grateful that there was none when we slid.
We are so grateful for our safety, not even a seat belt bruise. The tow truck bill for taking the bumper off and the speeding ticket ??? haven't dampered our relief and gratitude.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Face cream

For several years I said I wouldn't use my cream on my face. It is too thick, too heavy. Hmm, how often we live to eat our words. Thank goodness! I use a bit of Unscented cream (between the size of a pony bead and a small marble) in my palm and add a drop of Baby Me essential oil blend form Butterfly Express. This dry-piece-of-leather face loves it! Check it out at

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday comes after Terrific Tuesday and Marvelous Monday.
I am getting ready to order labels for 500 tubes of lip balm for a dentist in California.
Today Lon went to his High Mountain Genetics group where they discuss their amazing registered Holsteins. He really has a great time with his fellow bovine breeders and I am glad. Especially when he comes home without a bill for the fun.
Since I began this blog in '08 I have added a full time job away from home to my schedule. I am the office manager for our hospital's Counseling Services. I enjoy the coworkers and clients. I have met only one certifiable person and the rest are just like you and me trying to deal with our lives and circumstances. I am extremely grateful to have my own problems. Here's to giving a little help and understanding, compassion and even some love tomorrow. G'night. LUC

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year, New Goals, New Quilt

I have decided that I need to use the BLOG. Effie is coaching me and I hope to make it useful.
The picts are from last to first.
This is Jessica's bedspread quilt. It only needs the binding now.
Next is Effie marking the quilt as we quilt away.
Some creative sister took the underneath to show the random square, circle, and rectangle patterns.
Last we had started the first round before rolling. We finished in one day (11:55PM).
I did stop to ship Geneva Springs skin cream, attend one wedding reception, and one bridal shower.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fruit Slices: I love how it smells

Last night several students in a class I was TAing* tried the Mint and Fruit Slices skin creams. The overwhelming favorite for aroma was Fruit Slices, while Mint was the first choice for feet. Go to the website and try some yourself.

* the course was a business class, and we were discussing entrepreneurial experiences. Mine happens to be Geneva Springs, and some students looked it up and then asked whether I had any to try.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New stuff? Hmmm....

I have done a few 'special' orders lately.
1) A customer wanted Chamomile. She said she loved hers. However, I was left on my own to configure the formula. After procuring the chamomile essential oil , we opened it and involuntarily took a step back. Whew! Still determined to fill the request, I proceeded and added Ylang-Ylang, Lavender, Grapefruit, and Cedar. It was much more palatable but not flowerful fun.
2) Some massage therapists asked for Peppermint, Lavender, and Orange essential oils.I made it and they liked it except for the fact that it absorbed so well into the skin. Which is what we have worked for . They would prefer a salve not a cream. I am looking into that but will stick with my commitment to not use petroleum.
3) Again I tried to create a lotion. It is good but not quite the consistency yet. Who knows. someday... I made it Hawaiin Ginger and loved that fragrance.
So I keep trying but am on a bit of a holding pattern while we harvest strawberries and hay. Took some time today to make bread and muffins. Neither has any oil or fat in them. I used flax to replace those ingredients. mmm-mmm good. Hope your season is plentiful too. Lucy

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Skinny on Skin ~by Lucy Tueller

Weather, water, temperature, humidity, chemicals, cows, manure, age, and hard work equal what? Although the equation could have several answers, one would definitely be cracked, sore hands. Sometimes, we take care of saddles and boots better than our own epidural layer. Remedy: “Less is more” advises Dr. Zirwas of OSU Medical Center. “The more ingredients [in the cream or lotion], the higher risk of irritation. Look for a cream with a high glycerin content.” He suggests using a fragrance-free variety with a low preservative content. Try using a little extra at night so it will have your sleeping hours to heal. Otherwise, A Little should Go A Long Way.

Cold Feet?

It's official! It's a success! Ok, we've only tested it on a few people, but their results have been dramatic. What am I talking about? Our new blend of cinnamon & citrus oils in a cream, made especially to increase blood flow to an area. If your feet get cold at night (or your sweetheart's do & you are tired of them putting their icy-cold feet on your legs) this cream is a must. Write us! Tell us if it worked for you. If we use your testimonial on our website, we'll send you a free jar of cream. This formulation isn't for sale on our site yet, but is available upon request via email or phone. Just visit our website for contact information: Geneva Springs.