Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New stuff? Hmmm....

I have done a few 'special' orders lately.
1) A customer wanted Chamomile. She said she loved hers. However, I was left on my own to configure the formula. After procuring the chamomile essential oil , we opened it and involuntarily took a step back. Whew! Still determined to fill the request, I proceeded and added Ylang-Ylang, Lavender, Grapefruit, and Cedar. It was much more palatable but not flowerful fun.
2) Some massage therapists asked for Peppermint, Lavender, and Orange essential oils.I made it and they liked it except for the fact that it absorbed so well into the skin. Which is what we have worked for . They would prefer a salve not a cream. I am looking into that but will stick with my commitment to not use petroleum.
3) Again I tried to create a lotion. It is good but not quite the consistency yet. Who knows. someday... I made it Hawaiin Ginger and loved that fragrance.
So I keep trying but am on a bit of a holding pattern while we harvest strawberries and hay. Took some time today to make bread and muffins. Neither has any oil or fat in them. I used flax to replace those ingredients. mmm-mmm good. Hope your season is plentiful too. Lucy

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