Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Skinny on Skin ~by Lucy Tueller

Weather, water, temperature, humidity, chemicals, cows, manure, age, and hard work equal what? Although the equation could have several answers, one would definitely be cracked, sore hands. Sometimes, we take care of saddles and boots better than our own epidural layer. Remedy: “Less is more” advises Dr. Zirwas of OSU Medical Center. “The more ingredients [in the cream or lotion], the higher risk of irritation. Look for a cream with a high glycerin content.” He suggests using a fragrance-free variety with a low preservative content. Try using a little extra at night so it will have your sleeping hours to heal. Otherwise, A Little should Go A Long Way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great advice. My favorite lotion uses almost oil as its base, but there are more than four or five ingredients in it. Anyway, a glycerin base lotion always makes me take a second look. I'll pop over to your website and check it out.

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